Monoclonal antibody drugs to fight COVID are being taken off the market while new COVID vaccines are arriving, even as the old…
post Why COVID Vaccines Proliferate as Monoclonal Antibody Drugs Fade
post Why Race-Based Health Care is Bad Medicine: From BiDil to Kidney Transplants
Choosing a medical treatment based on patient traits historically used to define races is fundamentally flawed, because race in the context of…
post Science Fairs Counter Science Illiteracy
The pandemic ignited public interest in science, introducing the phrase “doing my research.” But the persistence of the idea that science aims…
post COVID Virus Ventures Beyond the Lungs, Often Lodging in the Brain
In early 2020, COVID appeared to be mostly respiratory, with blame for the shattering of delicate lung tissues initially placed on the…
post Yet Another Reason to Not Eat Beef: Cancer-Causing Mutations
I stopped eating beef 5 years ago, following a trip to Costa Rica just days after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Our…
post Do Shrinking Chromosomes Put Older People at Higher Risk of Severe COVID?
When a headline in the Washington Post dubbed COVID “A Plague of the Elderly,” I cringed, envisioning Logan’s Run, the sci-fi classic…
post On the Third Anniversary of the Pandemic, My 100th COVID Article, With Links to All
Three years ago, health officials in China announced the first cases of infection with a “novel coronavirus.” Dr. Zhang Jixian reported the…
post In Search of a Religiosity Gene
Do our genes predispose us to follow a religion? I searched Google Scholar for reports on the inheritance of religiosity. I sought…
post “Lessons in Chemistry” Tackles Sexism in Science but Perpetuates Nerd Stereotype
Lessons in Chemistry, by Bonnie Garmus, introduces readers to what it was like to be a woman pursuing a career as a…
post A 2-Million-Year-Old Ecosystem in the Throes of Climate Change Revealed in Environmental DNA
The reconstruction of a once-living landscape in northern Greenland from 2 million years ago, deduced from bits of DNA bound to minerals…
post On COVID Origin and Omicron Persistence: This Geneticist’s View
The latest phrase borrowed from biology in COVID conversations is convergent evolution. It refers to pairs of unrelated species that look similar…
post Ten Lessons from COVID: A Round-up of Experts
Planning for the next pandemic begins with acknowledging what we did wrong for COVID-19. As the situation has calmed, experts are weighing…